“Mother Mold,” an exhibition of sculptural portraiture by Keith Edmier, is running at the Petzel Gallery, on Sixty-Seventh Street, until November 4. The fifty masks draw inspiration from imagines, a type of wax casting that aristocratic families made of their male members’ faces and displayed in their homes during the Roman Republic. “In an age before photography, imagines were considered the truest, most objective representation of a person.” Unlike the Romans, Edmier makes his masks from plaster, and includes female faces. “Some of these people are famous, some are not. Some casts were made by me, others were not. Some people I knew intimately, others I knew casually or never met. Edmier’s imagines is a lifeline or, possibly, a dysfunctional family tree of my own.” The exhibition is accompanied by the publication of the imagines as a boxed set of fifty postcards, written by Edmier himself, shown below.
from The Paris Review http://ift.tt/2il2kka
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